Monday, May 20, 2013

Family Update

I haven't updated in a while and the kids are changing like kids do, so it's about time I get with it!

Damek is wrapping up his first grade year.  His school was in charge of the church service a few weeks ago. Damek played bells, was a character in a puppet skit, and helped with a memorized dramatization of a scripture reading.  The teachers in his school gave a brief blessing for each of the children in the school, talking about what each child's strengths are, what they enjoy doing, and what they want to do in the future.  It was very special.  Damek is a really awesome kid!

Caedmon finally has his custom-built wheelchair.  I haven't been able to snap a picture of him in it yet because he's not so sure about it.  He has taken it for test drives around Costco, Cubs and Target.  I think he'll be ready for summer fun. We also received a bike that attaches to the back of an adults bike, for kids just learning to ride.  Some friends had it sitting in their garage and didn't need it anymore so offered it to us.  Caedmon LOVES it!  He has been on as many bike rides as he can talk us into taking him on.  His face, his squeal of laughter brings so much joy to us.

And one more Caedmon update.  This spring he started running!  I just cannot believe the stuff this kid accomplishes!  We were quite ready to accept that there are things he will never be able to do and running was definitely on that list.  He proves all the time that we cannot write him out of anything!  To see a video of him in action, click this link:

And, Asher.  This little buddy is doing so much lately.  He's been trying out word sounds, so far we've heard, 'Hi there!', 'Hi Mom!', 'Dad', 'Get this', as well as some more, less recognizable words.  Anytime he hears music he starts singing, loudly.  Yep, he definitely fits in this house! 

He's been signing 'more', 'eat' and 'all done', waving for 'hi and 'bye'.  

We've been working hard on getting him to use his leg muscles.  He has a little walker his Early Intervention PT brought and has started scooting backwards in that.  We work on climbing stairs, sitting in a big boy chair with feet on the floor, kneeling to play, anything to get those leg muscles working.  Yesterday, for the first time at home, he stood for a few minutes to play in the lego box that he normally doesn't get to touch.  All about motivation!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Straw cups and little victories

A while back I posted about our struggle with drinking out of straw cups. Sometimes I can be a bit on the melodramatic side because it took us all of 3 intensive days before he got it. He's been a happy sucker ever since. But tonight we had another victory. Instead of picking up the cup and hurling it over the side of his high chair he actually picked it up and put it to his lips . . . and drank! That is a great victory and definitely worthy of cake or something. I happen to have a freshly made pan of brownies so if you would like to stop by and have a celebratory piece we would love to have you, just don't look too closely at the house and it's colorful toy decor.