On Tuesday, Adam took Caedmon back to the orthotist to be fitted for his new braces. As part of the fun, because he is pulling himself up to stand and even taking small steps forward, he was also fitted with a tension belt. This fun new toy wraps around his waist, like a weight-lifter's belt, then wraps around either leg and attaches to a hook on the inside toe part of his braces. The tension will slowly and painlessly draw his lower leg around until his leg bone and feet will be in the correct position. It's been interesting to me how I have just gotten used to the direction of his feet because it caught me a little off guard to see them where they should be. I think even Caedmon noticed, I saw him looking at his feet and kicking them as if to say, 'Where did these come from?' We can now actually get shoes for him though we're a bit hesitant to let him wear them other then adventures outside because we don't want them to impede him standing and walking. Already he has been doing these less because of how the tension cords feel around his legs. I'm hoping through the next few days he'll feel these less and less and will soon be into everything again!
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