Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Original Blog Post: July 13, 2009- Test Results and Dedication

We finally heard back from the good doctor on the pnuemogram study.  He still has apnea though it seems to be holding steady.  It hasn't worsened any so we were told to stay the course on his medication. 

The night we got the results back, Caedmon started doing the gasping again.  He hasn't done it for a couple of months so we thought maybe he'd outgrown it.  Always before it would happen very late/early and we would be so out of it that by the time we got to his room to check on him he'd be done.  Luckily, this time it was at 10:30.  Adam raced up to his room, tiptoed in, trying to see what he's doing when this happens.  We found out.  He's dreaming and gasping in excitement!  So, the pneumogram may have been a complete waste of time but at least we know he's doing well with his apnea, it's not getting any worse.
We also wanted to let everyone know that we will have a dedication service on August 8 for Caedmon at our church.  Everyone is welcome though I know most of you are far far away.  I will post the service here so you can be apart of it if you can't make it.  If you are in the area and would like to come send me a message either on here or e-mail and I'll give you the details.

Here are some of the latest photos:
Our little gymnast.  He's given himself a black eye swinging the braced foot all the way up!
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The boys, their blankets and the pacifier.
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Our first (with the exception of the lettuce) harvest from our container garden.  The purple beans actually turn green when you cook them.  They're so much fun and really good to eat!

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