Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Original Blog Post: January 31, 2011- There Is Still Fun To Be Had

Yes, even with a boy in a cast, frigid temperatures and icy roads.  'What can you do?' you say.  Why, bring the snow INSIDE of course.    The bonus: boys who love to make snowmen and snowballs but can't because it is just too freakin' cold outside can build to their heart's content, until it melts that is. 
Of course, some of you may be wondering, what in the world is one of your boys doing in a cast!  We had been warned from Day 1 of Caedmon's life that children who wear braces and particularly those with SB myelomeningocele are more susceptible to fractures.  We had counted our blessings that we had not had that particular experience yet.

Last Wednesday, as Caedmon was having his hour of free time without AFOs (braces) I noticed a very large, very ugly, very purple ankle.  Upon further investigation I noticed a lot of swelling.  This was not good.  Adam took him in right away to our pediatrician.  They took an x-ray, told him everything looked fine and to keep him off of it as much as possible, elevate the foot and put ice on it.  Well, we laughed a bit, wondering how in the world we were going to do that but determined to try our best. 

When we went another two days with no change and Caedmon as active as ever we decided it would be good to get a second opinion from someone who works quite often with kids who have SB.  We called our orthopedist.  He looked over the x-rays and told us that just because you can't see a fracture doesn't mean one isn't there.  As a precaution he put a cast on Caedmon for the next 10 days.  Then, we'll go back for another x-ray to see if there is any new bone growth.  If there is, we'll know he did have a fracture, if not, well, at least his ankle will be healed.  So, now to find entertainment for the next 10 days. 

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